9 Reasons to Drink more Water with an Explanation -

9 Reasons to Drink More Water with an Explanation -

Here is my list!

1. Drink water for clear skin!

Most teens and young adults are likely to have monthly breakouts or acne. Drinking more water helps keep hydrated. Drinking water helps flush out toxins, which helps increases the chances of having clear skin.

2. Your workout buddy!

Drinking water helps to increase metabolism by up to 30% (for half a litre of water). If the same logic is applied, you could increase metabolism by drinking more water before your workout. This also increases the number of calories burnt. So, all you have to do is drink more water.

3. Water before examinations!

It is claimed that dehydration of the body due to lack of intake of water can shrink some brain tissues, causing trouble to think. Several studies claim that drinking water before a major test or any examination clears your mind! Hydration can also help you think clearly.

4. Digestion!

Drinking more water after meals can help to digest food better by dissolving fats and breaking down fibres. Drinking water can also help prevent constipation. So, all you have to do is drink more water!

5. Body temperature regulation!

As simple as it sounds, water helps to regulate the temperature of the b0dy. It also helps to release sweat, that is, it removes the excess heat in the body. So the next time, you feel like the world or your body is overheating, drink water!

6. Body waste!

Drinking more water speeds or helps in the processes of sweating and removal of urine and faeces, thereby removing the wastes that are present in the body.

7. Workout boost!

Several case studies propose that drinking more water before working out, helps to enhance the performance. If your body gets dehydrated, you are less likely to have a longer workout duration or burn more calories. 

8. It helps you lose weight

Again, as simple as it sounds. Water helps to reduce the amounts of body fat if there is more consumption of water. This strategy has been found helpful, especially to obese or overweight individuals. Drinking more water along with food restrictions may help reduce weight quicker!

9. Blood oxygen circulation!

The world health organisation states that water contains essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluoride, sodium, potassium. Drinking more water will improve your circulation and have a positive impact on your overall health.


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